What do entrepreneurs usually wear? This question may sound a little bit superficial, but I believe there are some unspoken rules within this social circle.
Smith (2021) explains how the possession of branded clothing and artefacts combined with physical appearance can lead to the formation of a distinctive “Aesthetic capital” for entrepreneurs, which confers a visual legitimacy and commercialised identity.
According to the Smith (2021), “Aesthetic capital” includes the physical look of the body and expensive branded clothing/ artefacts. Apart from social, human, financial, entrepreneurial, and reputational capital, “Aesthetic capital” is something that influences the “Entrepreneurial Identity” also.
Speaking from my own experience, whenever I look put together, strangers are oddly nicer to me and want to get my attention. It’s not like we have to comply with social norms and wear designer clothes only, but perhaps wearing clothes that are clean, wrinkle-free, and fit is good enough to give a professional impression and benefit our businesses.
Smith (2021) also discusses the gendered entrepreneur identity, in which male entrepreneur fashion focuses on manly/ rich/ impressive/ strong/ powerful/ military, while female entrepreneur fashion focuses on confident/ chique, sexy, sparkly, classic, prestigious, and fabulous.
There’s no model answer to the question “What do entrepreneurs usually wear?” Some wear a blazer with tailored pants and some wear a t-shirt with jeans.
Here is a question for you, what is your “aesthetic capital”? How do you like to express yourself through fashion as an entrepreneur?